Tuesday, December 21, 2010

谢佳霖 Steve Seah Kah-Leng

谢佳霖 Steve Seah Kah-Leng



在位于Camden Medical Centre的诊所访问他,一头打理得时髦的浓密头发,西装笔挺,说起话来滔滔不绝。他并不掩饰自己喜爱跑车,大方地分享从服兵役后就开始存钱买跑车的嗜好。

他说:“我从小就对跑车情有独钟,爸爸妈妈不爱这些东西,但是哥哥和姐姐驾的车款是意大利车飞霞(Fiat)和丰田Toyota Celica跑车款,在70年代,这已经很具吸引力。”虽然年纪小,无法考车,但是喜爱跑车的苗子已深埋心底。

进入服役年龄,他受训半年后,顺利申请到公共服务委员会(PSC)奖学金,在本地的大学读医科5年。他说:“读完书再回去当兵,当时的薪水是1200元,不用养家,存够钱后买的第一辆车是万事达Mazda 323 GT,属于跑车款,3万元。驾两三年后就卖掉,还赚了几千元。”之后,他买丰田Toyota MR2,正式向玩跑车进军。

谢医生驾过许多不同跑车,如法拉利、保时捷等,但目前家里只留下三辆车子,一辆价格过百万的蓝宝基尼(Lamborghini)Murcielago V12,一辆日产GTR,另一辆是宝马525型家用车。他最常驾到诊所的是日产GTR,“主要是引擎性能非常好,比Lambor还特出,而且价格只有Lambor的三分一,另一原因是声音没那么吵!”


他说:“跑车越玩越难脱身,有点骑虎难下的感觉,如果你要我拿这么多钱买一辆新的跑车玩,根本付不起,都是用抵价(trade in)的方式,旧的替换新的,这样继续有新款跑车可以驾。”

星期二访问谢医生,他刚从英国回来,他说去那里帮忙打点大儿子(16岁)的寄宿学校(boarding school)事宜。“新加坡的教育制度给学生很多压力,到英国读书比较好,一年多后毕业,回来服兵役,之后再打算是否再回去读大学。”









PAC眼科手术源自法国一名医生设计的软件,能通过尼德克准分子激光机(NIDEX Excimer Laser)治疗老花问题;它采用多区域激光切除概念来制造一个“多焦度”角膜,帮助眼球“恢复”其对近物的对焦视力,同时加强观看远物的视力。



谢医生经常受邀到国内外进行讲座,最令他印象深刻的是在新加坡筹办2006年“亚太眼科学会大会”(Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress),约2500名与会者中包括国内外著名眼科医生和专家等。他说,这是继1990年,本地著名眼科医生林少明教授筹办的“国际眼科大会”(ICO)之后,本地最具规模的国际眼科大会。谢医生说:“当时,我是亚太眼科学会大会的主席,压力很大,很多国家都希望筹办这类国际级的大会,这对提升新加坡的在国际间的医疗地位有帮助,此外也对旅游业有益。”



2007年,吉宝置业推出The Ritz Residences豪华公寓,现改名为The Suites @ Central,每平方英尺约1500元,找了三人设计示范单位,希望在当时经济前景不明朗的情况下,能刺激销售数字。名单中,有谢佳霖的名字。

这个33层楼高的永久地契项目,坐落于德文莎路(Devonshire Road)和圣多马径(St Thomas Walk)的The Suites,是一个拥有157个单位的豪华共管公寓项目。





Saturday, November 13, 2010

莊永康 Chong Wing Hong:叩问传统

校友莊永康著作《莊永康专栏文集· 叩问传统》出版了



媒體工作生涯中,曾獲日本-亞細安新聞協會獎學金(1985)、美國傑佛遜獎學金(Jefferson Fellowship, 1999)。





















Wednesday, November 10, 2010



三所大学领导人同意 加强合作弃恶性竞争



















“未来是无法预测的。政府也没有全部的资料,或是一个水晶球,能预知未来的世界经济发展是怎么样。重要的是,年轻人要学会靠自己。硅谷一名企业家曾经告诉我,创业时一定要选择自己喜欢做的事,因为最后即使创业失败了,你还是有所收获。” ——徐冠林


是什么教学意识使到本地和以色列学生的意识形体有如此大的差别?我觉得这是值得 我们去研究的。” ——庄志达

“如果你选择到美国大学例如哈佛念书,一年需要付出七八万元,可是你在国大或南大的话,一年的学费可能只需要5900元。虽然本地学府和外国优秀大学还有一段距离,可是这距离越来越近。留在新加坡读大学有很多好处,而且肯定是物有所值(value for money)。” ——陈振忠


Monday, November 8, 2010

高鸿发 Kor Hong Fatt - Our Oldest Marathoner

Kor Hong Fatt
Old boy Kor Hong Fatt, 78 (高鸿发, Junior Middle III, 1951) is one of Singapore’s oldest marathoners. But he does not take his status lightly.

The retired technical supervisor suffered a heart attack at the age of 70. Two years later, he ran his first 42km race. His brush with death was a shock for the man who had never thought much about exercise before. “When I was young, I would run only when I was free,” he said in Mandarin.

The attack prompted him to re-evaluate his health. “I wanted to take care of myself to prevent a second heart attack. I have to take care of my wife,” he said. His wife, Madam Wang Siew Eng, who is also 78, suffered a stroke on the right side of her body 16 years ago and needs help in daily activities like bathing. The couple have two adult sons.

He took 18 months to train for his first marathon and did this without telling his doctor. “My family was also against it but I told them that I would be careful and stop if I felt uncomfortable,” he said.

He used a heart rate monitor to make sure he stayed within 50 to 85 per cent of his maximum heart rate (MHR) and took breaks when he felt any chest discomfort. He attended running forums and read many books about running to learn how best to pace himself as he trained. The MHR is the greatest number of beats per minute that is safe for the heart. A commonly used MHR formula is 220 - (your age). One should not exceed 85 per cent of the MHR when exercising.

He paced his training regimen well, starting with slow walks on the treadmill, then progressed to brisk walks, slow jogs and finally, a full marathon.

Kor Hong Fatt has run in 11 marathons and will be taking part in the upcoming Standard Chartered Marathon on 5 Dec 2010.

But if his heart is up to it, his knees tell a different story. Four years ago, he experienced excrutiating pain in both knees while running. He had run in four marathons that year. A sports physician advised him to run less and go for physiotherapy. As a result, he cut his participation to just one marathon a year.

Every four months, he has a follow-up consultation with doctors at a polyclinic because of his previous heart attack. He is on lifelong medication and has a yearly heart scan.

For a man who seldom exercised before, running has become something he cannot do without. “One is never too old to start exercising,” he said. “I will continue running even beyond the age of 80 as long as I am able to.”

Note: Kor Hong Fatt will be taking part in the upcoming Standard Chartered Marathon on 5 Dec 2010. 

His entry to the 115th Boston Marathon to be held on 18 April 2011 has been accepted.

Many runners dream of making a 'pilgrimage' to Boston to run the world's oldest marathon - if they can meet the tough qualification time. Boston Marathon is one of the toughest marathons in the world, its is a hilly terrain to run in, with the notorious 'Heartbreak' Hill being one of them.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rodney Cheong Chin Hong 钟振风

Rodney Cheong Chin Hong 钟振风
Rodnet Cheong (Sec 4, 1985) is the Managing Director of Seiko Architectural Wall Systems Pte Ltde. The Company is recently awarded one of the Singapore's 50 most enterprising companies 2010.

The company was established in 1978 and with more than 30 years of experience and more than 100 employees, the company has made a presence in the local construction industry as a prominent specialist for Aluminium Architectural Products that include cladding systems; curtain wall; windows-&-doors; louvers & sunshades, and shop fronts.

Its factory premise is located at 16 Chin Bee Drive with an area of over 5,000 sq m.

Monday, November 1, 2010

李显龙:母亲葬礼上的致悼词 Lee Hsien Loong


李显龙 Lee Hsien Loong
Mama has always been part of our lives. Papa was busy with political work, so she did most of the bringing up of the children - me, Ling and Yang. She nurtured us, taught us, disciplined us, took care of us, and fussed over us. She would be home for lunch every day when we came home from school, spending some time with us before going back to work in the afternoon.

Loving but strict, she enforced clear rules, encouraged us to do well, and took pride in our successes. She kept the first school prize that I ever won, for doing well in kindergarten - a pencil sharpener in the shape of tiny trophy, which is still today, in the display cabinet at home.

Not surprisingly, Mama did not shower us with expensive toys, and rather disapproved when the grandparents sometimes did. But she would visit the textile shops that used to be in High Street, and bring us home the long cardboard rolls- the tubes, which were at the centre of the rolls of fabric, and had been discarded after all the fabric had been sold. They cost nothing, but they were great fun used as telescopes, for sword fights, and endless children's games. When I had my own children, my wife and I did the same.

We would visit our maternal grandparents at Pasir Panjang regularly. Their house was on the seafront, and at high tide the water would come right in to the seawall. We would swim in the sea, and Mama would sit on the steps watching over us. Once when I had almost learnt to swim but not quite, I got into difficulty- fooling around with a pair of goggles and a snorkel, and nearly drowned. Mama had to plunge in fully dressed to rescue me. She was not amused. Today, it's dry land.
When the boys went away to university, she fussed over us at long distance. She was a skilful knitter, and knitted us sweaters to stay warm, one after another. I still have one of them, a favourite rust-coloured one, patched many times at the elbows but still warm.
When Hsien Yang and I got married, she embraced her daughters-in-law as her own children. When grandchildren arrived, she helped to look after them, especially my two elder children - Xiuqi and Yipeng - after their mother Ming Yang died. She and the Popo supervised the maids, took the very little ones for walks every evening, and more than made up for what I could not do as a single father.

The years passed. Even in old age, Mama kept a motherly eye on her children. She would follow my public appearances on TV and in the press, and comment on my dress or demeanour or makeup, by the make-up artiste. After one particularly long evening function which both my parents and I attended, she reproached me and she said: "You were bored stiff, and looked it". When I fell ill with lymphoma, she worried about my children again, and also about me, fretting over whether I was eating enough nutritious food like bird's nest to stay strong and fight the cancer.

On Sundays the family would gather for lunch at Oxley Road. For a time it was with all the grandchildren, who would make a fine hullabaloo. But as the kids grew up and went off to national service, or went away to study, often it would be back to just Papa, Mama and the three children and our wives, plus Shaowu, the youngest grandchild.

One Sunday in May two years ago, we had the usual family lunch. I had spent the morning on a constituency visit to Tampines, and told her they were debating whether to allow bicycles on pedestrian footpaths. She reminded me that when I was in Cambridge and was mostly a pedestrian, I had written home to complain about the bicycles being a menace, because they crept up quietly on one from behind, giving no warning except for sinister whirring noises. I had completely forgotten, but she was right. She said: "The older I get, the longer ago the things I remember". But she tracked current events too, and knew what the hot topics of the day were. I think the hot topic at that time was serving beer at coffee shops.

The next day I was in my office when my security officer told me that Mama had fallen down at home, and Wei Ling was rushing her to NNI. She had had her second stroke. The last two and a half years have been difficult on her and on the family. Now she is at peace.

Over these last few days, I and my family have been deeply touched by the outpouring of condolences and fond recollections from people of all walks of life.We've stood receiving the visitors, reminiscing, shaking hands, delighting in seeing each other again or honoured that so many have come. She touched the lives of all those who met her, and many more who knew of her only through television images, media reports, or perhaps just by word of mouth. They sensed what a special person she was, and how much she had quietly contributed to Singa¬pore.

Thousands turned up at Sri Temasek to pay their respects. Some bowed or stood in silent prayer, while others crossed themselves or did a namaste. Still others fingered rosaries, and at least one lady spun a little prayer wheel. Many were visibly moved. Mama's children and our spouses stood beside her to acknowledge and thank them all, just as Mama had stood beside us so many times before.

All of our lives, Mama has been there for us. We have rejoiced together, grieved together, and shared many milestones and critical moments together. Now we will all have to learn to live without her. But she lives on in her children and grandchildren, in our cherished memories of her, and in the persons she has nurtured us into.

徐冠林 Su Guaning

徐冠林 Xu Guaning













南大原本不是研究密集型大学,为吸引高端研究人员,徐冠林校长在2007年邀请安博迪教授出任常务副校长。安博迪教授曾担任诺贝尔化学奖评选委员会主席,国际学术界的联络网很强。徐校长说,这几年南大在研究基金的争取方面和国大几乎大成平手,如果不是安博迪教授,南大不可能办到。(安博迪教授(Bertil Andersson)是瑞典籍的国际知名生物化学家,2007年加入南大。他在国际学术界声名显赫,曾担任诺贝尔化学奖遴选委员会主席。)



希望南大复名 引起轩然大波








Su Guaning (1950– ) Scientist, engineer and academic. Born in Taiwan, Su Guaning moved to Singapore when he was seven years old. He studied at Catholic High and Raffles Institution, and won a President’s Scholarship. In 1967, he was awarded a Colombo Plan Scholarship. He studied electrical engineering at the University of Alberta, Canada, and went on to earn a master’s degree from the California Institute of Technology, and a PhD from Stanford University.

From 1986 to 1997, Su was Director of the Defence Science Organisation, corporatizing it as DSO National Laboratories in 1997. He left in 1997 to head the Defence Technology Group at the Ministry of Defence. In 2000, he became the first chief executive of the Defence Science and Technology Agency. He has also played a prominent role in national science and technology policy since 1988, helping to establish the National Science and Technology Board, and serving on it from 1991 to 2001.

Su was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Gold) in 1998 and received the National Science and Technology Medal in 2003. He was awarded the Chevalier of the Legion of Honour by the president of France in 2005. He became president of Nanyang Technological University in 2003.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

杨一肩: 从公教中学双庆会谈起

杨一肩师 Mr Yong Yit Kin
公教退休老师杨一肩(Mr Yong Yit Kin)去函联合早报,谈他对作为公教老师的感想。联合早报今天(2010年10月26日)发表了该函。以下是杨老师的投函:







Sunday, October 17, 2010

2010年双庆晚宴 张世典校长为学校筹得七万五千元

Bro. Joseph Dufresse 张世典修士




Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tay Peng Hian 郑炳贤获选为国际集邮联合会的会长

Tay Peng Hian 郑炳贤
Catholic High alumnus Tay Peng-Hian (Senior Middle 3/1961) was elected as the new President-leader of the prestigious body Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) on 10 Oct.

FIP has looked after stamp collectors and philatelists since 1926 - growing from a society of a handful European Philatelic Federations to a Federation with a network throughout the world with
  • 87 Regular Members (National Philatelic Federations)
  • 3 Associated Members (Continental Federations)
  • Promotional Members (a new type of Membership for Postal Administrations).
Tay Peng Hian started participating in FIP events as early as 1978. He was an exhibitor at PRAGA 1978. Thereafter, he has seamlessly built up 3 world class collection that won him 4 coveted FIP Grand Prix Awards:
1. Straits Settlements Classic:
Grand Prix International PHILAKOREA 1984
2. Burma Classic:
Grand Prix International POLSKA 1993
3. Netherlands Classic:
Grand Prix International PHILAKOREA 2002
Grand Prix D' Honneur CHINA 2009 (FIP Champion of Champions)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

梁文福 (Liang Wern Fook) 获颁2010年度文化奖






"他在文学界和音乐界之间搭建桥梁。" 这是新加坡著名的戏剧前辈郭宝昆曾经给予梁文福的评语。的确,如果没有梁文福,就不会有极富文艺气息的新加坡创作歌谣。由此可见,梁文福有着颇高的音乐造诣。他的作品在深入民心的当儿,却不失高雅的文艺情操;在推广音乐文学的理念中,也没有坠入曲高和寡的凄清悲凉中--相信这就是所谓的现代才子吧。




Singer-songwriter Liang Wern Fook, an old boy of Catholic High (Sec 4, 1980) received the Cultural Medallion, Singapore's highest honour for artists, at Istana from President S R Nathan on 12 Oct 2010.

Dr Liang is a pioneer of the popular music movement "xin yao" (新谣) that started in the 1980s.

In his 25-year music career, Dr Liang has worked with scores of famous singers and won various industry accolades.

"In the past, the Cultural Medallion is only given to serious musicians, whereas I write popular music. So I feel this award is a national recognition of the effort of Chinese songwriters who have been writing popular music all these years," Dr Liang said.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mr K Ravi

Mr Ravi, a former teacher of Catholic High who taught Lee Hsien Loong (Pre-U 2, 1969) paid respect to Mrs Lee Kuan Yew (Madam Kwa Geok Choo) who passed peacefully at home at 5.40 pm on 3 Oct 2010. Mrs Lee Kuan Yew was mother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Mr Ravi has now retired from teaching and is 76 years old.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Interview: Lim Kia Hong 林嘉丰

The Sunday Times carried a story of Lim Kia Hong (Catholic High, Sec 4 1973)  on 5 Sept 2010. Here is the report:

Love has lots to do with Mr Lim Kia Hong's success as the largest distributor of computer systems, software, peripherals and networking products in South-east Asia and Hong Kong.
His love of new shiny gadgets and tech products led him to set up an IT distribution firm 27 years ago.
Because he loves thinking of fresh marketing ideas to introduce new gadgets to people, he would still do the same thing all over again if given another chance as a young man.
'I'm a man with a lot of love and passion. You need to love and be passionate about what you do in life. Otherwise, it's difficult to continue to do a good job,' said Mr Lim, 57, in his office in Leng Kee Road.
Because of this love, he does not mind if his entire waking moments are taken up thinking about tech marketing.
'I've notepads everywhere, next to the TV, in the drawer and shower. When I get ideas, I jot them down. Otherwise, I may forget them,' he said.
Mr Lim's love affair with tech began at the University of Washington, Seattle, which he joined in 1979 after his A levels at Hwa Chong Junior College. He was enrolled in the university's School of Business and Accounting, but he found he did not like accounting, and instead opted for marketing and information systems.
On completion of his course, he returned to Singapore in 1982 to finish the remaining six months of his national service.
'I was a naval project officer but since I'd studied information systems, I was one of a few people familiar with computers in 1982. So I was posted to Mindef (Ministry of Defence) headquarters to be part of the ministry's computerisation project,' said the soft-spoken Mr Lim.
He found there were many things like diskettes, cables and software that he needed but were not available in Singapore. He began buying them from the United States for Mindef.
Soon he was hooked on this process of looking for new things to buy. He decided to start a company. But his first venture with a friend went south in less than a year because while he was interested in microcomputers, his friend was focused on bigger office machines called minicomputers.
He then convinced his brother- in-law, Mr Lim Hwee Hai, to go into business with him to start SiS (Scentek Information Systems) Technologies in 1983.
The company began with a $100,000 investment from Mr Lim's father who was in the commodity and manufacturing business. The money went into paying for the goods they bought from the US. The office was shared with his father's company.
'We shared his office in Boat Quay. He had his table on one side. By the time, I put in our table and two chairs, it was a tight squeeze. HH (Hwee Hai) and I had to climb over the table to get to our chairs.
'My father bought us two Chinese chairs which were a little lower than the normal office chairs which let us squeeze into them,' he said. He still has the two chairs in his office.
The early years were tough. Customer visits turned out to be educational talks because he ended up teaching them about what a computer was, what a CPU (central processing unit, which is the computer's brain) was and what word processing was.
He made sales calls during the day. At night, he cleared paperwork. He logged 18- to 20-hour work days and learnt to make do with four hours of sleep each night.
His father worried about him because he did not see him at night or in the morning. In an attempt to stay at home more often, the young Mr Lim installed the office telex machine in his bedroom. Phone calls to the US were costly at US$30 a minute then. Sending a telex was cheaper. Trouble was, the click-clack of messages as they came in ruined his sleep. A week later, the telex machine was back in the office.
But his bedroom became a storeroom, filled with diskettes and printer ribbons. Since his room was air-conditioned, it prevented the ink from drying up and the diskettes from getting mouldy.
In the first year, Mr Lim rang in $150,000 in revenue. The company was profitable and they had five employees. The initial list of products soon expanded to include software for networking and e-mail, productivity and security programs, wireless equipment and, more recently, smartphones.
'We brought many US companies to Asia such as 3Com, a networking company. We were its longest distributor until it was acquired by Hewlett-Packard last year.
'I brought in all the e-mail software like ccmail and Novell mail. I also introduced Aldus PageMaker and other companies like Symantec and Trend Micro to the Asian market.
'At one time, we had products competing against Microsoft until we became their distributor in 1995. Now we're Microsoft's top distributor and we work very strategically to launch new products,' said Mr Lim.
Even before the Government's encouragement to regionalise, SiS had opened offices in Hong Kong because Singapore was just too small a market. Today, SiS is headquartered in Hong Kong, where it was listed in 1992.
It was also listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 2004. Its group revenue last year was US$1 billion (S$1.4 billion).
SiS has a network of 10,000 retailers throughout South-east Asia and Hong Kong. It represents an A-list of companies including Hewlett-Packard, Adobe, D-Link, Asus, Apple, Canon and HTC.
It has no plans at the moment to go into the two giant growth economies, China and India.
'I can take the risk and just open offices there. But my gut feel is that China and India are not ready for distribution. SiS would need deep pockets to penetrate such big markets,' said Mr Lim.
He attributed his success to his staff, some of whom have been working with him for about 20 years.
'In every country, we've about 10 to 15 people who are key to our business, but they are not in heavyweight positions. For example, in the distribution business, you've to be in delivery and warehouse. So the delivery guy and storekeeper are key to the business. Without them, my goods may not be delivered and my stocks unaccounted for,' he said.
He and these people have struck a close relationship over the years, socialising over dinners. He knows their families 'and we share our experiences of kids growing up'. He is married with four children - two sons and two daughters.
Because of China's rise as an economic power, he is persuading his elder son to consider attending a Chinese university and his elder daughter to take higher-level Chinese in secondary school. He himself is effectively bilingual. His alma mater is Catholic High School.
With nearly three decades of doing business, he believes that entrepreneurs must always 'be prepared and never say die'.
'This is about failure. I learnt from my school basketball coach who said that every time the team played a match, he wouldn't know if it would lose or win. But the team must be prepared. If we lost, then we'd pick ourselves up, learn what went wrong and think about ways of winning the next match.'
The other lesson is to try new ideas. SiS, he said, was the first to do taxi-top advertising when then NTUC Taxi launched this new advertising concept in the mid-1990s.
Breaking new ground in marketing strategies is 'like falling in love with a woman when every waking moment is spent trying to please her', he said.
Another tip for wannabe entrepreneurs, he said, is to learn to love the competition. 'Good competition keeps me on my toes, raises my standards. Lousy competitors, I don't like.'
Ideas come from his dreaming, which he admits is his full-time job, leaving the day-to-day operations to his brother-in-law.
'I dream about my love: the new technologies, how to market them. I dream about new corporate strategies and how to overtake my competition. That's why I don't dream at night. I've a nice job which hasn't changed since day one and which I love.'

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lim Kia Hong 林嘉丰

One of our old boys, Lim Kia-Hong (Sec 4, 1973), is among the 2,400 specially-selected Torch Bearers for the First Youth Olympic Games (YOG) being hosted here in Singapore. The YOG will take place from 13 August to 26-August-2010. Kia-Hong participated as a relay-runner last Saturday, 7-August, in the Ang Mo Kio vicinity. The relay will cover a distance of 305 kilometers – equivalent to travelling the entire length of the island six times.

Lim Kia Hong is Chairman and CEO of SiS International Holdings Ltd.

Founded in 1983, SiS is one of the largest distributors of computer systems, software, peripherals and networking products in Asia.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, with regional offices in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, SiS offers manufacturers an immediate access into Asia with a well established network consisting of more than 10,000 resellers, retailers, system integrators, software houses, value added resellers and OEMs strategically located throughout the region.

SiS represents and has earned its reputation as the Preferred Distributor by a number of the world's most renowned manufacturers including Acer, Adobe, Apple, Asus, AutoDesk, BenQ, Canon, Cisco, Computer Associates, EMC, Emerson, Epson, Fortinet, Fuji Xerox, H3C, Hewlett Packard, HTC, IBM, IBM Software, Infocus, Lenovo, Linksys, Microsoft, Novell, Symantec, Veritas, VMWare, WatchGuard, Western Digital.

SiS is a public listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Old boy (Lee Hsien Loong) meets old boy (Lim Kia Hong).

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Joshua Goh 吴钧龙

A Catholic High old boy Jushua Goh is one of five recipients of the Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship 2010. Joshua Goh is also one of five President's Scholars in 2010.

OCT Joshua Goh (Catholic High Sec 4/2007) will read Chemistry at the Imperial College in London. Joshua is at the centre in the picture below.

Joshua is also the son of our old boy Goh Eng Ghee (Sec 4/1971). Goh Eng Ghee is currently the Deputy Chief Executive of the Singapore Workforce Development Agency.

The four other Armed Forces Overseas Scholarship recipients, also 19, are bound for British universities. They are:
  1. Catholic Junior College alumnus OCT Joshua Goh, who will read chemistry at Imperial College in London;
  2. Midshipman Soh Kah Lake, formerly of Hwa Chong Institution, who will take up chemical engineering at University College London (UCL);
  3. His fellow Hwa Chong alumnus OCT Tay Jian Hua, who will study economics at UCL; and
  4. RI (Junior College) alumnus OCT Seth Jun Hao, who will read aeronautics at Imperial College.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

马炎庆 Baey Yam Keng

马炎庆, 1987年公教中四毕业。

“海燕等人” 新戏 《内衣阁》 打开“内衣阁” 触碰敏感地带

联合早报● 周文龙


由 “海燕等人”剧团呈献的新戏《内衣阁》,有着MM、SM和PM等角色名称,令人联想到我们的内阁资政(MM)、国务资政(SM),以及总理(PM)。

事实上,所谓的MM、 SM和PM,指的即是剧场最重要的三个职位:行销经理(marketing manager)、舞台监督(stage manager),以及制作经理(production manager)。


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Quek Ser Aik 郭斯奕

Quek Ser Aik is an old boy of Catholic High (Sec 4, 1969). Here is a report in the Straits Times.

May 10, 2010
Going to Gobi
By Nicholas Yong

ASSOCIATE Professor Quek Ser Aik is heading to the Mo-Kia-Yen Gobi Desert for a third time for the annual Gobi Desert Business School Challenge next week.

At 56, he is the oldest member of the 10-man team from the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, which will be taking part in the 110km trek across the desert for the fourth time since the event started five years ago.

He says: 'It is a strange feeling to be walking 'alone' in the desert. It is so big and dangerous, and there is a very real sense that you are the only person around for a few kilometres.'

The 110km endurance challenge re-traces the journey of the Tang dynasty monk Xuanzang, or Tripitaka, on his journey to the West along the Silk Road almost 1,500 years ago. It is organised for networking purposes.
From May 16 to 19, nearly 240 people from 12 business schools in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore will cross the desert on the borders between Gansu and Xinjiang provinces in China.

The NUS team comprises six men and four women, including staff and students. Among them are permanent residents, Chinese nationals and a German student. Last year, NUS finished last out of 10 teams.

Assistant Professor Song Zhaoli, 39, second-time participant and team leader this year, says it was because they did very little training this year. Subsequently, five members got injurede on the first day and struggle to carry on. They were also unfamiliar with their GPS equipment and were hampered by poor quality equipment - their water bags leaked, leaving them dangerously short of water.

Prof Quek adds: 'To be short of water in the desert is no joke. SOme team members almost got heatstroke. One female student was even hallucineting.'

Nevertheless, everyone perservered till end in four days.

This year, the team will be better prepared. On top of individual training, they have been doing thrice-weekly 7km treks with 5kg backpacks as a team and recently did a 28 km trek at MacRitchie Reservoir. They plan a 40km trek before setting off.

Professor Teo Chung Piaw, 44, acting deputy dean of the Business School, is going on trek for the first time. 'I have been started walking the 8km from home to my office, which I never thought I would do before.' he says.

Prf Quek adds, 'This year, we are prepared because of Professor Song. He insisted that we do our preparation. In previous years, we hardly trained. Last year, I basically just showed up.'

The beauty of the environment is why Prof Quek is going for the third time. He says: 'At the end of the trek, it is so exhausting that you just remember the romantic parts. When you are walking, your mind is clear and it's very good time for reflection about work and family and different thimgs. Some people do it by the poolside, I do it in the Gobi Desert. You also remember the camaraderie, just like in the armi.'

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

张东孝 Daniel Teo Tong How: 变公教旧校舍为艺术中心 张东孝砸250万回母校听钟声

Daniel Teo studied at Catholic High from 1956 (Jr Middle 1) to 1961 (Sr Middle 3). Below is a report by Zaobao today:

  公教校友、煌孝集团主席张东孝对母校感情深厚,他事业成功后不忘回馈母校,去年和好友一起标下由两栋建筑组成的公教中学旧校舍,虽然租期只有九年,却不惜投下250万元改建成综合艺术中心“222 Queen Street”。当他再次听到校舍隔邻教堂传来的嘹亮钟声,觉得就是那少年时代熟悉的钟声召唤他回到母校。
■ 悠扬的钟声唤醒回忆
  这名公教的优秀校友,就是67岁的煌孝集团(Daniel Teo & Associates)主席张东孝。他的夫人是新加坡著名芭蕾舞蹈家吴素琴。张东孝本身曾留学澳洲学建筑,对于音乐、舞蹈、美术、集邮等都有浓厚的兴趣。
■ 为文化区增添光彩

  旧公教中学位于奎因街和滑铁卢街之间,校舍在原址已经矗立了75年。张东孝说,集团去年和另一名志同道合的好友刘先生(Andrew Lau)成功标到这个由前后两栋建筑组成的旧校舍,并把它取名为“222 Queen Street”。目前整个维修工作还在紧锣密鼓进行中,预计工程将分段在四至六个月内完成,可以预知的是,到时将为这个新加坡最有文化、艺术环境和气氛的地区,增添异样的光彩。

  近几年来,在多方面合作下,本地有不少旧建筑改为艺术场所,其中如附属于新加坡美术馆的“8Q当代美术馆”,前身是公教附小。而位于爱美丽山的Old School展馆,曾是美以美女中的旧校舍。空置多年的Alkaff公寓,未来也会改建为综合性画廊、博物馆和餐馆的休闲去处。

■ 希望公教校友捐献文物





  艺术与画廊将是主打。目前已成功吸引到一家德国画廊Art Trove前来。



Monday, April 5, 2010

吴韦材写黄伟光老师 Ng Wai Choy



1997年离开南极后,他到中国北京电影学院电影导演系学习1999年底回国。现在专注于舞台剧演出项目,最新剧作为《友善角落》、《生命中难以承受的猪》(我爱猪猪),最新著作为《吴韦材异境奇幻》及《吴韦材错体古典》。 2000年,他在互联网上设制一个属于自己的网页,称为摇摇网(yoyonet.com)。内容丰富,画面精美。网页内容共分成十大栏目,即《情爱生活》、《饮食男女》、《精品文化》、《美丽世界》、《新元素时代》、《家居空间》、《健身所知》、《网友优 待》,而《车迷乐园》及《近期推出》还在筹备中。在这些栏目中,又分成许多小栏目,如在《文化精品》中,又包括了《激情感官》、《收藏家与艺术鉴赏》、《雅俗共赏》、《电影弹赞区》、《接触吴韦材》、《娱乐前线》、《传统戏曲荟萃苑》,让网友能在这里接触到艺术工作者、作家、名人、主持和学者,互相交流人生品味与心得。


‘  校友会组织三峡游览团,80余名不同年代的校友一齐畅游。更教人值得高兴是,我还看到张校长和两位教过我的老师。校长与老师,年纪也都确实老大了,但他们精神状态都很好,更幸运是一路上只要有机会,我都能跟随在长者身边,尤其黄老师,那头偶尔飘飘然、积累着人生丰富智慧般的白发,还有慈祥可亲的言语,有时甚至还来点幽默,让我这趟旅途倍感温馨难忘。
旅途上有位92年毕业的小学弟很天真地问我,当然,问这问题时他只是一片坦然的直觉,他问:“你们每次聚会无论多人少人都是这样一齐唱校歌的么?”我说,“对啊。”他问, “不会觉得怪怪么?”我笑笑说,“不会啊。”看他神情还是不甚明白,我就安慰他,“你现在还小,等你年纪再老大一些,等你一天感到有些自己青春年少的记忆渐渐被磨得模糊时,你就会大大声一齐跟着唱了。”我都还没告诉他,唱校歌有时唱到感觉涌来之际,好像唱完就可以坐下来上课,感觉空中就像有个熟悉瞬间,虽闪电而过,却那就是真实。

Saturday, March 20, 2010

巫顺昌 Moo Soon Chong


- 李显龙总理














Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tan Chin Tiong 陈振忠

Old boy Tan Chin Tiong, who is the President of the Singapore Institute of Technology was in new recently, as reported by Today newspaper on 10 Mar 2010:

Although it is not officially the Republic's fifth university, Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) president Professor Tan Chin Tiong seems certain on the direction his six-month old organisation should take.

In an interview with MediaCorp, Prof Tan said that among SIT's long-term plans is "that we will evolve into a university".

"It will take a while (so) for a start, we will leverage on the foreign universities first ... When we have the capacity, our end point is that we want to offer dual degrees together with the foreign universities," said the 61-year-old, who is also one of the founding academic members of the Singapore Management University (SMU).

"But along the way, we will tweak the equations and get more dimensions to the template."

Things can be said to have progressed quickly since Prof Tan took the helm of the institute, which was formed last year to provide another route for polytechnic students to upgrade and obtain industry-relevant degrees.

Although these programmes were originally slated to start in 2011, SIT and the polytechnics here will launch its first programme for eight degrees in partnership with five overseas universities from August.

According to Prof Tan, SIT is able to start a year ahead of schedule as it has been able to tap on the strong relationships that the Ministry of Education and other ministries and agencies, such as the Economic Development Board, have with overseas educational institutions.

Schools partnering with SIT include Germany's University of Technology, Munich, for electrical engineering and information technology; and the United Kingdom's Newcastle University for naval architecture, offshore and marine engineering.

The DigiPen Institute of Technology and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas - both from the United States - will also team up with SIT to offer degrees in animation and game design and hotel administration, respectively.

Finally, the Culinary Institute of America will also offer a degree programme, although details are not available as yet.

Said Prof Tan: "The five overseas universities that we are partnering in our first wave of degree programmes have a presence in Singapore and are already offering their programmes here or have been receiving polytechnic graduates in their home campuses".

Not only are these partners familiar with the Singapore education system, they also "have confidence that it produces high quality polytechnic graduates who are able to articulate into their programmes", he added.

Education Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen told Parliament yesterday that not only will SIT's unique model bring together these renowned institutions here but "these leading partners will add value and recognition to our polytechnic diplomas as they provide advance standing".

Graduates will also be able to obtain to obtain degrees after two years instead of three to four, said Dr Ng, who is also the Second Minister for Defence.

The participating institutions have been chosen not only because they are leaders in their respective disciplines but also because SIT "wants to create degree opportunities not offered by the other schools. We play a role in offering diversity in the education space", said Prof Tan.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic's director of planning and projects office, Mr Peter Lam, described the new courses offered by SIT as "both affordable and very attractive".

Prof Tan said the challenge is to let polytechnic graduates know that "their route to the universities does not lie only with the National University of Singapore, the Nanyang Technological University or the Singapore Management University". (The fourth university - the Singapore University of Technology and Design - will be ready in 2011.)

Prince Peter Jacob, a 25-year-old who is pursuing a naval architecture degree at Newcastle University, said: "There is a high demand for qualified engineers, especially in the marine industry."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Catholic High Old Boys Hold Senior Positions at PSA International

Port operator PSA International recently reshuffled several senior management positions. Two of those affected are old boys of Catholic High. There are David Yang ( 杨勃 see picture) and Kuah Boon Wee (柯文伟 Sec 4, 1982 )

The head of PSA's European operations, Mr Pierre Timmermans, has stepped down with immediate effect and will leave the company at the end of the month - for reasons not specified.

Mr David Yang, PSA's head of the Middle East and South Asia, will now move to run the Europe and Mediterranean operations based in Antwerp.

The current chief executive of Singapore and South-east Asia, Mr Kuah Boon Wee, will, in turn, head the Middle East and South Asia operations. He is being replaced by current Singapore terminals chief operating officer Tan Puay Hin.

Head of group business development, Mr Kenny Ong, will take on a larger portfolio in becoming CEO of the Americas, heading the company's operations in Panama and Buenos Aires from Singapore.

These top executives are all part of PSA's eight-member senior management council headed by group CEO Eddie Teh.

Here is a brief introduction of Kuah Boon Wee (see picture).

Kuah Boon Wee is currently the CEO of PSA Southeast Asia & Singapore Terminals. He has overall responsibility and accountability for Singapore Terminals as well as the PSA Group's portfolio of operating terminals, investments and expansion in the ASEAN region. He also sits on the Senior Management Council (SMC) of PSA International (PSAI).

Boon Wee has worked in senior management positions in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia and has a proven track record of corporate achievements.

Before his current position, he was the Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of PSAI. As Group CFO, he was responsible for the Group’s world-wide finance functions, including Financial Management, Treasury, Risk Management and Corporate Secretariat. He joined PSA Group in March 2004.

Prior to PSAI, he was the CFO for Singapore Technologies Engineering, a major listed company on the Singapore Stock Exchange. In his position as CFO, he played a key role in steering the company towards best practices in corporate transparency and quality reporting.