Tuesday, October 23, 2012

吴韦材写公教老操场 Ng Wai Choy



但修士也从来不会真的体罚我们,打得厉害的倒是老师,12英寸的木尺,打手板,像superman,老cowboy,还有教马来文的那位,都很会打。我们的肉长着一层又一层的顽皮,要打到痛,老师们看来都有点研究。打手板是不痛的,所以尺打下来要打在手指上,那才痛。通常,一个字spelled错了就打一下。假如10个字全错当然就是10下,就算只有一个字错也得挨一下。说起来要打一整班也得花些时候,大家被打惯了,发了簿子回来看看自己错了多少字就会乖乖排队走出去等打。其实气氛也不紧张,大家还打赌看谁的板子最“jak lat”,一齐苦中作乐,也就过了。 

操场角头的楼梯口,是文具部。也没什么设计,柱子上挂个从上而下写着“文具部”的木牌,就用铁闸门拉起来围着一个小空间。里头倒是有位卖文具卖簿子也卖儿童图书杂志的老伯伯。现在我还记得他样子。整天ho ho ho笑,只是颇瘦,像减肥成功的华人版圣诞老人。我们要买什么,就全部堆挤在铁门外面把手拼命伸进去,拼命伸进去,我从没去想过他从里面看出来是怎个样子?一定很噩梦,一道铁闸门,永远数不清上上下下伸进来需索一切的小手,一定很像《苦海孤雏》的镜头。 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

李俊能 Lee Chuen Neng


国大医院李俊能教授 心胸科领域有贡献获大奖



他于上周五在爱丁堡皇家外科医学院的颁奖典礼上领取了这个奖项。医学院主席大卫·托利(David Tolley)在学院发出的文告中指出,李俊能在跟该学院合作开办一项心脏外科亚洲复习课程上,扮演了重要角色,他也积极推广这项考试和学院在新加坡举行的其他考试的素质评估部分。




Professor Lee Chuen Neng

MBBS, MMed, FRCS (Glas), FRCS (Edin), FRACS, FAMS (Cardiothoracic Surgery)

Deputy Director ,National University Heart Centre, Singapore
Chief / Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, NUHCS
Chief, Department of Surgery, NUH
Professor / Head, Department of Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS

Professor Lee Chuen Neng is the founder of the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic & Vascular Surgery, a Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and was appointed as the Director of The Heart Institute, National Healthcare Group (NHG). He had held various appointments including President of the Cardiac Society on three occasions, President of the International Chinese Heart Health Network, Council member of the Asian Federation of Cardiology, Vice Chairman of the Singapore Heart Association. He was the Chairman of the Specialist Training Committee for Cardiothoracic Surgery and a Founding Executive Council Member of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery since 1993, becoming the President of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery (ASCVTS) in 2009.

Prof Lee Chuen Neng graduated from the University of Singapore in 1975. He completed his general surgery training at the University Department of Surgery, Singapore General Hospital and served as a Lecturer in general surgery before going on to cardiothoracic surgery training from 1982. He was trained at the Mayo Clinic from 1983 to 1985 and returned in 1985 to set up the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the National University Hospital, becoming an Associate Professor and Head in the process. He left for private practice in 1992 and was asked to return to the National University of Singapore and the National University Hospital at the end of 2001.

He is an elected fellow of:
  • American Association for  Thoracic Surgery
  • European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • The Society of Thoracic Surgeons, USA
  • American College of Cardiology

He is a Founding Editor of the Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals and currently served on the Reviewer Board.

He is an Examiner to the MMed Surgery (Singapore), FRCS (Edinburgh), Hong Kong College of Surgeons and Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan College of Surgeons and Physicians. He was also a Visiting Professor to the Beijing Medical University. He has 61 publications in international as well as regional journals. He was appointed as Head of Department of Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS on 1 October 2005 and Chair of University Surgical Cluster, National University Health System for 2008.

His special interest is in coronary artery and valve surgery.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

田詒鴻 Alan Thian Yi-Hong

美国皇佳商業銀行(Royal Business Bank)创办人、總裁兼總經理田詒鴻1969年高二毕业于公教。


皇佳商業銀行總裁兼總經理田詒鴻先生(Alan Thian) 強調,本銀行無建築貸款壞賬之隱憂,本銀行之經營以安全穩健為基本原則,不躁進,不嘩寵,絕對以客戶安全為最高準則。

田詒鴻先生(Alan Thian) 在2012年1月中旬榮任FDIC社區銀行顧問委員會顧問,田先生指出,由於經濟不景氣,加上銀行法規越來越嚴格,社區銀行競爭十分激烈,利潤也相對縮小。因此田先生表示他會收集南加州銀行業的資訊,尤其是檢查制度及法規太嚴等事項,提供給FDIC做參考,並為同業發聲。


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

蔡振杰 Chua Chin Kiat

Chua Chin Kiat completed his pre-university 2 in 1971 at Catholic High School and was awarded the President Scholarship in the following year. He graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Mathematics) from the University of Aston in 1975 on a President-cum-SAF Scholarship. He joined the Singapore Police Force in 1977.

Since assuming the post of Director of Prisons in 1998, Mr Chua has been instrumental in the dynamic transformation of the Singapore Prisons Service. Challenging mindset and old ways of doing things, his "Captains of Life" vision changed the mindset of Prisons officers from one of being custodians of prisoners to captains of change – to turn offenders into responsible and contributing citizens.
Under his leadership, the Singapore Prison Service introduced several breakthrough initiatives such as the Yellow Ribbon Project, the Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) network, the establishment of Kaki Bukit Centre (KBC) as a Prison School, the introduction of the Rehabilitation Framework for inmates and virtual prison visits. Through his efforts, the Singapore Prison Service is today among the world’s most progressive prison systems with impressive results for their rehabilitation initiatives.

He is currently the Chairman of Centre for Enabled Living, Singapore.

He recently published a book titled "The Making of Captains of Lives - Prison Reform in Singapore: 1999 to 2007" which tells a story of successful prison reform that brought the recidivism rate of prisoners down from 44% to 24%. In the process of this reform, the entire Prison Service was transformed from a custody focused mindset to a rehabilitation centred culture. This change was wrought despite the lack of enthusiasm of the then political leadership.

He describes his personal role in the reform effort, the methodology used to engender change in organizational culture and the struggles for the soul of the prison service and the hearts and minds of all those involved. These include organizations involved in the aftercare of ex-offenders, volunteers who came forward to assist in the efforts and the families and employers of offenders and ex-offenders. The journey ends with the Yellow Ribbon Project that now embodies the rehabilitative efforts for ex-offenders.

The Making of Captains of Lives is a personal account of a public sector leader who has helped built a highly efficient prison system in Singapore, providing a strong case study for successful change management and public sector leadership. It will encourage the hearts of all those civil servants who believe in serving their nations and societies by devoting themselves to a worthy cause in their day-to-day work.

  • My Entry
  • My Initial Steps
  • The Lead-up to Visioning
  • Visioning
  • Re-visioning
  • The Prison School
  • The Rehabilitation Framework
  • Strategy to Achieve Vision
  • The First Initiatives
  • Overcoming Resistance from Within
  • Corporate Image Campaign
  • Yellow Ribbon Project
  • Some Insights into Rehabilitation
  • End of Tenure
  • The Leadership Model
  • Epilogue
“Chua Chin Kiat's clear-mindedness about what needed to be done and his dogged determination to get it done have transformed the way our prisons impact our prisoners. Other prison services study how their officers too can be ‘Captains of Lives’! Our prisoners owe a large debt of gratitude to him.

This is a story that is still unfolding. The balance between security and rehabilitation; resources and needs; what is desirable and what is achievable; being tough and showing a soft touch are issues that will confront any Prison Directors. This book should inspire and energise our prison officers to press on resolutely with the task of reforming our prisoners, to inject hope in their lives, supported by committed volunteers and buoyed by strong community support.”
Professor Ho Peng Kee
Former Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Law and
the Ministry of Home Affairs

“Mr Chua is a visionary, a strategist, a learning organisation expert, a father-figure, a mentor, and a true servant leader. We need more leaders like him. Evidence of his leadership is clearly shown in The Making of Captains of Lives.”
Mr Jason Wong
Senior Director, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports &
Former Deputy Director of Prisons

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Han Tan Juan 韩山元











